Today, after Andrea and I were kicked out of the subway for attempting to (me) draw people and (her) do spoken word (I think it was actually because we were sitting and had a hat out), I decided to sit in Union Square with a sign that said "Free Portraits, 5 minutes, Donations Accepted" and some sharpies and highlighters. My new job doesnt start until next week and I feel so out of practice when it comes to figure drawing, i figured I would see if I could get some practice in and make a few bucks. I drew about 12 people. They were slow coming at first but by the end i had a huge crowed of teenagers around me, and I would have drawn them all, but by then it was so cold I could hardly move my hands. I felt like I could feel myself slowly getting better as the say went on. My favorite drawing that came out was of this tough-looking deaf guy with a mustache and a NYC beanie and no neck. He read my sign and pointed to himself with his eyebrows up. When he sat down he frowned and kept his chin high. I tried to make him look powerful and put blue highlighter lines coming out from all sides of him and he seemed delighted with it. i got both a thumbs up and a high five. In the end, I made about 5 dollars, and got a free hip hop cd, and a free hair cutting/coloring coupon from some students at the fancy haircutting school, which is nice because i was just thinking that I could use a good haircut.
(these were some of the drawing of andrea (which some bum told me looked exactly like steven tyler), and unsuspecting people sitting on benches i did in the down time early on. by the end of the day, i was banging out psychadelic masterpeices in five minutes flat, honest.)

speaking of drawing, yersderday, i finally went to the Society of Illustrators jazz and figure drawing session I have been bookmarking for months that was in this classy old building on the upper east side with free coffee and a bar and these beautiful burlesque nude models doing 10-20 minute poses for three hours. And because it was through the society of illustrators so most people there were professionals and really really skilled, so it was good to watch them work. oh, did i mention the live blues singer and backing band? incredible.
also, we are trying to learn french. if anyone knows a good way to make that happen faster, let me know!